How To Choose Modern Luxury Jewelry For Your Special Someone

Perhaps there is no better way to express your love and adoration for someone than a piece of jewelry. One cannot deny that these items are a sight to behold and a beauty that is almost too tempting to resist.

Note Your Relationship

The term “special someone” is arguably a general one and can refer to several persons, not just your intimate partner. As such, before going about choosing the modern luxury jewelry that you intend to give, be sure to note your relationship to that special someone first.

There is no question that the fact you are even in the conversation of considering giving that person jewelry means that you love them and consider them special and worthy enough for such a symbolic and luxurious gift. This alone does not take away the fact that knowing your relationship with that someone is key to knowing how to choose well.

Below are some relationships that you should note.

  • Wife or Husband: Depending on how long you have been together, you may, perhaps, already know what your spouse wants. Regardless, it is never a bad thing to express your love and devotion to your lifetime partner. Be sure to choose only the best handcrafted contemporary jewelry for them.

  • Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Similar to a spouse, the length of your relationship can play an important role here. What is crucial, though, is to not let the idea that you are not married get in the way. Love is not based on marital bond nor any piece of paper. Express your love above and beyond to your heart’s content.

  • The “One”: This is tricky because someone who is considered the “one” means that you are dead set on marrying them and spending the rest of your life with them. Your one and only deserves their expectations to be exceeded, so go for the best and most beautiful.

The Occasion

After assessing your relationship with your recipient, the next step is to consider the occasion. Of course, giving someone a beautiful set of jewelry calls for no occasion and can be done anytime. But, still, knowing the occasion cannot hurt. When planning your choice, consider the following occasions:

  • Birthday

  • Christmas

  • Valentine’s Day

  • New Year

  • Holidays

  • Proposal

Know Your Recipient

Each and every person is unique. As such, choosing blindly or generally will not do. You have to get down to the details of your special someone’s preferences. Here are some important jewelry aspects that you should consider.

Specific Types

Does your special someone have a thing for earrings? If so, what type of earring? What about bangles or bracelets? Did she always want to have a necklace? Does she like wearing rings as an accessory? Knowing which type of jewelry is very crucial. Otherwise, they might end up never wearing that piece of jewelry. To be sure, be certain of the jewelry type they prefer and desire.

Metal Preferences

Gold is nice, but not everyone prefers it. There are numerous other metal types that people fancy. Your special someone may like silver or white gold. Knowing which is which can guarantee your special someone maximum happiness from your efforts.

The Stone

There are several types of stones that can be used as a finish to a piece of jewelry. Diamond is a common one and is generally reserved for romantic relationships. A safe choice for the stone, however, is black onyx. This stone can not only look very stylish, but also elegant and vibrant.

Style Choices

Modern handmade jewelry is a good style choice that never fails. Although vintage can work as well. How to know which is better for your special someone can be tricky. More often than not, gauging their personality can give you hints. At the end of the day, though, the style choice is of minimal concern. If the rest of the above are chosen carefully in accordance to their personality or preferences, then the style will be something they could care less about. They’ll love it regardless.


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